Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 10, 2016

Source Gaming: Gravity Twist Controller

Source Gaming: Gravity Twist Controller
Unity Complete Projects/Systems
Two Cubes
Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher.
Optimized for Unity 5 and mobile.
Solid 1st/3rd Person Controller with unique Gravity and Sci-Fi features! (+70)
2.3.5 NEW vehicles system added.
Drive any type of vehicle that you want, in any surface and use weapons on them.
Control the gravity at will and unleash all your power!
Control the gravity of a third/first person character as you want. Walk in any surface like walls, roofs, …You can even circumnavigate spheres and regular objects.
The combat system offers you close combat and a lot of powers, like shoot energy with your hands, grenades, black holes…
You can set up a character controller and test it in a few seconds. You can use mecanim, legacy, ….
Very customizable effects and options: camera configuration and transitions, power system, touch controls, headbob, custom input keys, footsteps, vehicles, etc…
-Walk and run in any surface
-Camera collision detection
-Move in the air to search a new surface
-Accelerate your movement in the air
-Circumnavigate spheres or regular surfaces
-Run while you adhere to any surface
-Features manager
-Grab and carry objects
-Physics-based and root motion controller
-Multi screen resolution
-Touch buttons and joysticks ready to use
-Change between joysticks and touchpad
-Change between first and third person view
-Save/load and edit touch buttons positions
-Time bullet ability
-Fully commented C# code
-Like 3rd shooter aim mode
-IK used in arms to aim
-10 different type of powers
-Close combat system with combos
-Change left or right side to aim
-Change between powers easily
-Change gravity objects
-Stop enemy shoots with the shield
-Displace objects on rails
-Deflect and project lasers
-HUD system with health, power and weapons for player and vehicles
-Signaling targets with in screen icon
-Procedural Ragoll
-Ragdoll to mecanim and vice versa
-Uses ragdoll and/or mecanim when player dies
-Vehicle system very configurable
-IK, weapons and gravity control system for vehicles
-Enemies and objectives radar system
-AI Enemy turrets with differents weapons
-Hack devices and enemies
-Health bars above enemies and allies
-Attack fade screen and direction
-Swipe in touch devices
-Footstep audio system on mesh and terrain
-Zoom mode and move away the camera
-Rebindable key input system, save/load it
-Keyboard and touch controls united system -Editable key numbers powers, drag & drop
-Text devices
-Numeric code and computer terminals
-Accelerometer to rotate the camera
-Scanner system for objects and enemies
-Health, energy and ammo pickups for player and vehicles
-Headbob system with states
-Fall damage
-Start in third or first person
-Double jump
-Chests with pick ups
-Procedural doors and elevators system
-Explosive barrels with pickups dropping
-Recharger stations for health and energy
-Security cameras with controls and zoom

Source Gaming: Head Soccer Game Kit Free

Source Gaming: Head Soccer Game Kit
Unity Complete Projects/Templates
Requires Unity 5.1.1 or higher.
Special Sale Offer!
20% off for a limited time. Get your copy right now.
Head Soccer is a fun and challenging casual game template which heavily relies on physics to simulate movements and interactions inside the game.
Android APK
Webplayer | Video | Forums
– Complete game flow with menu, pause, game and game-over settings.
– Supports multi-platform: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, WebPlayer and Windows
– Supports Unity 5.1.1+
– Can be used as a base to prototype similar games
– Simple, but highly addictive physics based gameplay
– Supports multi-touch, mouse and keyboard inputs
– One click Ads integration
– Can be used to build a 2D or a 3D game at no time!
– Mobile friendly (with awesome performance!)
– Extremely flexible to re-skin and re-master
– Fully commented source code in C#
It works with Unity's built-in features and doesn't need any 3rd party tools to get it up and running.

Source Gaming: Jelly Gardem Match 3

Source Gaming: Jelly Garden Match 3 Complete Project + EDITOR
Unity Complete Projects/Templates
Requires Unity 5.3.5 or higher.
***New Reskin!!! ***>
The Best Match 3 Template + EDITOR with 100 COMPLETED and tested levels for your games. Does not require programming skills!
*** Ready for Publish!***
WebDEMO || Android DEMO || FORUM
How to build on iOS
Changes and update manual
✔ UnityADS
✔ Level EDITOR
✔ Visual Tutorial
✔ Ads controller
✔ 100 tested LEVELS
✔ Cross platform Android and IOS
✔ Different IAPs
✔ Great Visual and Sounds effects
✔ Five game obstacles
✔ Many game features
✔ Easy for reskin
✔ Gems shop
✔ Shop of Life refill
✔ Facebook “share” button
✔ “Rate us” button
Recommended Unity3D 5.3. or higher. – support email
P.S. Leave your rating for this Asset. It is very important for us and the development of the project

Unity Complete Project: Action-RPG Starter Kit

Unity Complete Project: Action-RPG Starter Kit
Complete Projects/Templates
Price at $50
Requires Unity 5.1.1 or higher.
This project is “ Action Role Player template for Unity”. Everyone can easily understand and can apply it for an advanced Action RPG project.
You can try the demo here [Web Demo]
This project include both of Javascript and C# version
We recommened to backup your project before update to 4.0
New Update 4.0!!
– Character Selection
– Crafting System
– Pet and Summoning Skill
– Dodge Roll System
– Bug fix and improve some features
New Update 3.0!!
– Swimming Add-on
– Enemy's Health bar
– Patrolling Enemy
– Improve Shop System
– Add Save Slots System
– Improve Skill System
– You can learn Skill by Level UP
– New Aiming Mode with 3rd Person Shooter style
You can Buy or Sell Item up to quantity you want.
– Improve Enemy's Skill
Enemy can now use multiple skill.
– Temporary Save for GameOver
– Draggable GUI
– Add Mecanim and Legacy Animation Support both of JS and C#
– Improve SkillWindow and Sound in C# version
This package includes:
-Attack Combo System
-Skill System
-Basic Enemy AI
-thorough documentation and set up guide
-models, animations and more!
-Equipment System
-Skill Window System
-Save-Load Game
-Shop System
-Enemy Drop Items
-Weapon Swap Model
-Skill and Item Database
-Inventory System
– Various Weapon types
– Elemental System
– Abnormal Status System
– Minimap
– Monster Respawn
– Sprint System
– Monster Skill V.1
– More Skill
– Quest System

Unity Complete Project: ActionStrategy Starter Kit

Unity Complete Project: ActionStrategy Starter Kit
Complete Projects/Templates
Price at $25
Requires Unity 4.0.1 or higher.
This project is an ActionStrategy Starter Kit tutorial for Unity.
Easy to use and modify. A beginner can easily understand and use this.
This package includes:
-Action strategy combat
-Simple AI
-Skill system
-Job system
-C# script
-Mobile support
-Touch controller
-Custom editor script

Unity Complete Projects – Jungle Run

Unity Complete Projects – Jungle Run
Complete Projects
Requires Unity 4.2.1 or higher.
JungleRun is a complete 2D game package which supports both iOS and Android.
Package includes:
– All script files
– Scenes
– Sprite sheet psds
– Audio effects
– Adapts to any device resolution

Unity Complete Projects: Advanced Breakout Kit

Unity Complete Projects: Advanced Breakout Kit
Complete Projects/Packs
Requires Unity 3.5.6 or higher.
Advanced Breakout Kit is a game starter kit which has everything you would expect. It features the physics setup like ball, paddle & block as well as advanced tricks like screen shake, bullettime, pitch change and screen flash.
The kit is fully documented and all C# scripts are very well commented.
Best of all, it is multi-platform so it works out of the box on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

Unity Complete Projects: Heist PlayMaker Kit

Unity Complete Projects: Heist PlayMaker Kit
Complete Projects/Templates
Requires Unity 4.3.4 or higher.
*This kit requires Asset Playmaker* to function.
Heist PlayMaker Kit is a PC and Mobile Stealth Game Template. This project is made using Hutong Games Playmaker. The core mechanics reflects components of a stealth game with custom actions for FOV Mesh generation, Cone of Vision and NPC Patrol.
This Kit is Mobile Ready. There’s also an webplayer/keyboard controller set for mouse based input in the project.

Unity Complete Projects: HexTech

Unity Complete Projects: HexTech
Complete Projects/Systems
Requires Unity 4.3.4 or higher.
System for generating hexagon-based maps for turn-based games. HexTech can create two different types of maps with procedurally-generated textures:
Large-scale 'country' maps
– Mountains and hills
– 38 types of terrain, easily extendable
– Three sizes of rivers on hex edges
– Roads from hex centers
Small scale 'elevation' maps
– Adds randomly determined features, such as rocks and trees
– Two styles: smooth slopes between hex centers, and 'tiered'
Also includes the SuperCamera camera rig with:
– touch controls with two touch pinch-zoom and twist-rotation
– mouse and keyboard
– Easy use, camera always aims at the pivot of the rig, no extra target object required.

Unity Complete Projects: Hack’n’Slash – RPG KIT

Unity Complete Projects: Hack'n'Slash – RPG KIT
Complete Projects
Requires Unity 4.3.1 or higher.
Have you ever dreamed of creating your own simple rpg-game? This kit allows you to easily create cool Hack’n’Slash (top-down) games.
There is everything you may need for this:
• Easy menu system
• Player controller and top-down camera systems
• Universal input system
• Easy AI and path-finding systems (2 types)
• Easy pickups and Objects pool systems
• System for doors, chests and traps creation
• Waypoint system
• Simple culling and animation systems
• Short messages system (that can be used for monologues, for instance)
• etc
Cool DEMO included!
It helps you to understand the real power of this kit and how to use it!
This kit works on all platforms supported by Unity.